A new poem: "Plants" by Nélio José
Today a new poem, about plants, strenght, abstraction.
"Plants" by Nélio José (Nampula - Mozambique)
The birthing arrived, the life’s embryo,
And then the plant, strength, reborn again.
It grows and hovers, among nations, in Africa,
As a synonym for abstract wealth, it is eternalized.
The earth’s promise, green as ever,
Always bright, in the sun that fills in the sky.
Beautiful as caressing rains,
Plants, the eternal seal that Africa inherits and
The original in Portuguese:
Veio o nascer, o embrião da vida,
E depois a planta, vigor renascido.
Cresce e paira, entre nações, na África,
Eterniza-se como sinônimo de riqueza abstrata.
Verdes como nunca, a promessa da terra,
Brilhantes sempre, no sol que encerra.
Bonitas feito chuvas que acariciam,
Plantas, o eterno selo que a África herda e guia