An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou
An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou
Today is World Art Day ... Something that makes us feel good and helps us to dream.These days, Artists and Those who support the most needy should be supported as well, as they all help us to live better, especially now.Thank you.
It is with great joy that we announce the beginning of the International Literature Contest "Nature 2017-2018", which this year runs from 1 December 2017 to 1 April 2018. On 19 April are announced the pre-finalists and the April 28 the main winners. We refer to joy in this announcement because this is the reunion of all of us in this adventure that has one of its great objectives to raise awareness for the protection of nature. A reunion between friends. This year, for example, California fires have made climate change evident. The suffering of the people was enormous and to note the replacement of a green cloak by the color of ash, it is sad. In the world, the fact that the concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere are at very high levels can only make us aware. It is time to act, so here is also the invitation to participate in this contest and then the conditions of participation and other details.
Here are some videos by Conservation International:
Details of Regulation 2017: 1. Participation in this contest is free. 2. Any person from any country can participate as long as they submit work written in English. 3. Each participant can submit a poem, without limit of words, and a short story, with a maximum of 3000 words. Extra poems: 2 USD each; Extra short stories: 5 USD each. 4. The works must be sent by e-mail to Rui M. ( along with name, country, electronic contact. The subject of the email should be "International Literary Contest 'Nature - 2017-2018'". Line spacing: single spacing; Letter dimension: 12; Type of letter: Calibri; in Word Document. 5. Award-winning finalists are entitled to a digital certificate. 6. All the selected poems will be published in anthology, which will be available in PDF format (possibility to exist in Windows), with a cost of 2.5 € (payment of a donation by PayPal). Award-winning authors are entitled to a free version. 7. Deadline for participation: 1 April 2018. 8. Pre-finalists announced on 19 April. 9. The final results will be announced on April 28 at 10. The first one of each category will be entitled to a prize of 20 USDs.