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"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou

"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou


The poem winning the 2nd place of Nature 2020-2021


Dear Friends,

Literature and nature bring us together. A few years ago, Darwin studied gravitropism, i.e., a growth response, of plants, to gravity. He removed surgically the caps of roots and then verified how they would grow. To his surprise the roots started to grow without the influence of gravity. This is to stress that nature contains mysteries and influences our imagination… Poetry seams to follow the same principals. This is the case of the poem that won the 2nd place. Congratulations to Jill Hall.


“A Quarantine Visitor” by Jill G. Hall (USA)


In the quiet summer sun

on my San Diego patio

a plump lizard basks.

“Hello,” I whisper. Her

smile sly, eyes button-beads,

skin resembling grandma’s purse.


Prolific in our childhood garden

my brother Sandy saved them

in shoeboxes, fed them flies.

Sometimes he’d pick one up,

snigger as its tail fell off, 

wiggled about. He’d chase

me with the terrible    

Tyrannosaurus Rexes

in his outstretched hands.

Terrified I’d cry, run away

until the day I grit my teeth,

stood my ground, patted its

crusty head. After that

he stopped pestering me.

At least not with reptiles.

He often kissed them until

one bit him on the lower lip

and like mom would say he

screamed bloody murder.

I think he still has a scar.

I feared those dears had

become extinct long ago.

It’s interesting what a coronavirus

can do to shift the balance back.




Main Results of Literary Contest Nature 2020-2021


It is with great happiness that we share the results of the International Literary Contest Nature 2020-2021 by “The Green Sparrows”:


Poetry Category


1st Place



2nd Place:

“A Quarantine Visitor” by Jill G. Hall (USA)


3rd Place (TIE):

“The Lord of the Words and the Gardener” by José Reis (Brazil)


"Invaders” by Jenny McCabe (UK)


“Stillness” by Carlton Holte (USA)


Honorable Mentions:

“Nature’s Renewal Plan (After the Pandemic)” by Alison Jennings (USA)


“What should always be” by Guillermo Arbe (Peru)


“Healing” by M. Tragicum (Portugal)


“A blooming morning on a tree’s branch” by Alexandra Bucur (Romania)


“Parts of Meditation” by Quinn Brown (USA)



Honorable Mentions (Best Short Poems):

“Araguaia River” by Deuzeli Linhares (Brazil)




Short Stories’ Category:


1st Place:

“March 24th, 2020” by Michaela Brady (UK)


2nd Place:

“Sparrow Spring Engineers” by Mi West (Sweden)


3rd Place (TIE):

“The Lost Village” by Subi Taba (India)


“One Thousand Two Hundred” by Quinn Brown (USA)


Honorable Mentions:

“Like a Bird” by David Ehrlich (Brazil)


“The Badger” by Daniela Albu (Romania)





In this Edition of the International Literary Contest Nature (2020-21) we would like to thank you to:

Maximum Potential Education

and the Adjudicators “The Green Sparrows” and “The Green Cat”.


We would also like to drop a few words about the works received. Today we disclose here the winners, but a few other works will be included in this year’s Anthology. The pieces of poetry and short stories received portray feelings about humanity, the relation with mother nature and, sometimes, the impact of the pandemics in our life. Nature always blooms during Spring and, for many of us, the results of this Contest are known during that season of flowers and hope. Nevertheless, it is always time to be in deep connection with nature. There is always a sunset to light our lives.

During the next weeks we will share here some of the winning works.

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