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"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou

"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou


A Poem to Janine Canan


Dear Friends of Literature and Nature,


Today I leave here a poem to remember our Friend: the Poetess Janine Canan, now dead victim of cancer…


A Goddess of literature


Semi-Goddess of the letters,

Prayer of the hidden landscapes of Human feelings.

Please, tell me if is it worth to know somebody and then suffer?

I remember when a wave is made of moon’s color…

and I vanish as if a spell contains a secret;

a mystery question, without answer: logicless.


Please, now that you are with our Goddess,

please tell her something about me.

Cause, at the moment,

all my blood is pitch black,

and I wonder if I can ever again

feel alone, after being part

of your life: a living shore,

Once occupied by a thoughtful spirit as you are.


Now that all the green mountains have fallen,

Leaving a gap in this friend’s heart,

Let you know I will (we will) miss you

Until we get together again,

 in a,

deep blue ocean created by our Goddess of Love.


17 July 2021, by Rui M.


"One" a music by Jesse Cook.

We know she would like.



See you soon.


"Ardor" from Janine Canan - "Ardor" de Janine Canan


Dear friends,

I invite you to download, for free, the book "Ardor" from the good writer Janine Canan.

Here is the link for Windows 8 e-book:


Caros amigos,

Convido-vos a lerem, gratuitamente, o livro mais recente de Janine Canan.

Fica aqui o link:


E, já agora, a tradução de dois dos seus poemas.

Vão gostar, certamente.





Não é suficiente ser livre.

Tu necessitas de te sentir amada.

Quem te ama? A criação ama.

A Criação ama cada partícula de si própria.

Consegues sentir os raios quentes a envolver tudo?




Ao longo da praia, pedras

Expostas pela maré em retirada,

Dão-me as boas vindas tal qual amigos de longa data.


E eu curvo-me para apanhar ovos, aos montes,

Ovais, crescentes suavizados

Pela vida no mar tumultuoso.


Alguns partidos por um sopro catastrófico

Revelam no interior um ouro brilhante.

Enquanto eu caminho ao longo da costa cravejada.


Eles amontoam-se na minha amada mão.

Batidas de coração da terra a desmoronar-se

Que eu um dia abandonarei.


Península Olímpica


Tradução para Português por Rui M.

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