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A free sample of the book "Rainbow Flavours and Other Scents" by the Armenian Writer Shmavon Azatyan is now available here:
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A free sample of the book "Rainbow Flavours and Other Scents" by the Armenian Writer Shmavon Azatyan is now available here:
The forest breaths and as a result the planet Earth also breaths, giving us the oxigen that we need to live. During the Winter, in the north of the planet, where the majority of the dry land exists, many trees lose their leafs and the carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere producing a small increase in global temperature. During the Spring and Summer all the trees of the planet grow leafes and they capture carbon dioxide making the weather lightly fresher than it would be without their action.
To tell you the truth the trees are pressious everywhere, even if they are alone in a grey street of a city or together with a small group of other in a beautiful artificial garden. To grow a tree is to grow a friend, it is an act of poetry and who knows of the tales that the sun beams crossing their branches can inspire.
All the insects of the world and all the animals don’t care about written poetry because they have the visual poetry of flowers in a bed and the colorful grace of reefs. They purely enjoy the beautiful gifts of life!
But, do you know that if the mean world sea temperature rises by 2 degrees celcious that would cause serious damage to reefs? And do you know that the big secret of dogs is their friendship and friendly approach towards us? Certainly, you feel that every living creature is Nature; we are Nature and we also deserve a poem… To protect flowers is to protect us.
Life is special and this is the reason why we invite you to submit your best poem or your perfect tale.
We want to select 36 poems and 4 stories for an anthology that will be published as an e-book in Windows 8.
Contest organizer:
Rui M. at Tales for Love
Competition Adjudicator:
Synchronized Chaos
Main sponsor:
Literature & Latte
Book Park and Arts & Literature
Finnally, we would like to kindly invite you to fill in the next questionnaire. It is a part of an academic study about working conditions to people and ultimately their happiness.
The questionnaire is anonymous and free!
So, why are you waiting for? Please prepare carefully your work and send it to us when you feel comfortable!
Kind regards,
Rui M.
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