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"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou

"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou


2nd July 2018 - Poetry and translation


This month we present the translation of two poems by Brazilian poets.


First the poem by Ricardo de Souza, mentioning a positive world made of love and peace, regardless the duties, doubts and uncertainties...


Yes, always yes, by Ricardo de Souza

I live in the world of duties, doubts, uncertainties, taxes,
I live in the world of wars, of individualism, with lack of ideas,
I live in the world of beautiful landscapes, kind people, balance, love and peace,
I live in the world where complaining does not solve,
I come to this world with the poor purpose of leaving the little knowledge I know,
I come to this world with the duty of change, innovation, vision of the future for the quality of life of many,
I come to leave my name written in the memory of those I can reach.


The same poem in Portuguese:


Sim, Sempre Sim


Vivo no mundo de deveres, dúvidas, incertezas, impostos,

Vivo no mundo de guerras, de individualismo, afogado na pobreza de espírito,

Vivo no mundo de paisagens bonitas, pessoas bondosas, equilíbrio, amor e paz,

Vivo no mundo aonde reclamar não resolve,

Venho a este mundo com o pobre objetivo de deixar o pouco conhecimento que sei,

Venho a este mundo com o dever de mudança, inovação, visão de futuro em prol da qualidade de vida de muitos,

Venho deixar o meu nome escrito na memória dos que eu puder alcançar.


 A poem by the Brazilian poet Maria Coquemala.


Light, my soul gets free and grows.
My soul that has never been so joyful,
who abandons this departing body.
       My soul transcends, advances in space ...
       Driven by the wings of desire, go to the infinite ...
       My soul goes through the rainbow.
       and is painted with the colors of joy.
All the painful memories are erased.
Silence for ever the voices of longing,
of sorrow, of pain, of suffering.
      They reveal themselves to my soul,
      the secrets of the Universe ...
      There are no unanswered questions.
      There is no longer body, agony and death.
And my whole soul, without cuts,
fulfill all my fantasies.
Reason and feeling merge in harmony.
     My walking soul advances in infinity
     unraveling paths in eternity.

Note: in the book "Pulsar" (2015), All Print Editora, São Paulo, Brazil


Original in Portuguese:



Leve, minha alma se liberta e cresce.
Minha alma que nunca esteve tão alegre,
que abandona este corpo que se esvai.
      Minha alma transcende, avança no espaço...
      Levada pelas asas do desejo, ruma ao infinito...
      Minha alma atravessa o arco-íris
      e se pinta com as cores da alegria.
Apagam-se todas as lembranças doloridas.
Silenciam para sempre as vozes da saudade,
da tristeza, da dor, do sofrimento.
     Vão-se revelando à minha alma,
     os segredos todos do Universo...
     Já não há perguntas sem respostas.
     Já não há corpo, agonia e morte.
E a minha alma inteira, sem recortes,
realiza todas as minhas fantasias.
Razão e sentimento se fundem em harmonia.
    Minha alma andarilha avança no infinito
    desvendando veredas na eternidade.

Nota: no Livro "Pulsar" (2015), All Print Editora, São Paulo, Brasil


Enjoy your readings and writings.



A nice poem for Christmas - Um belo poema para o Natal


Fonti e colline chiesi agli Dei;

m'udiro alfine,

pago io vovro,

ne mai quel fonte co'desir miei,

ne mai quel monte trapassero


"I asked the Gods for hills and springs;

They listened to me at last.

I shell live contented.

And I shall never desire to go beyond that spring,

nor shall I desire to cross that mountain."


"Eu pedi aos Deuses montes e fontes;

Eles ouviram-me finalmente.

Eu devo viver satisfeito.

E eu não devo jamais desejar ir além daquela fonte,

nem deverei desejar atravessar aquela montanha."


Sei Ariette I: Malincolia, ninfa gentile

de Vincenzo Bellini


Translation into Portuguese by Rui M.

Tradução para Português por Rui M.

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