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"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou

"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou


A new poem: "Plants" by Nélio José


Today a new poem, about plants, strenght, abstraction.

"Plants" by Nélio José (Nampula - Mozambique)


The birthing arrived, the life’s embryo,
And then the plant, strength, reborn again.
It grows and hovers, among nations, in Africa,
As a synonym for abstract wealth, it is eternalized.

The earth’s promise, green as ever,
Always bright, in the sun that fills in the sky.
Beautiful as caressing rains,
Plants, the eternal seal that Africa inherits and


The original in Portuguese:


Veio o nascer, o embrião da vida,
E depois a planta, vigor renascido.
Cresce e paira, entre nações, na África,
Eterniza-se como sinônimo de riqueza abstrata.

Verdes como nunca, a promessa da terra,
Brilhantes sempre, no sol que encerra.
Bonitas feito chuvas que acariciam,
Plantas, o eterno selo que a África herda e guia




A poem and News about floods in Brazil


Today we share the recent news about floods in Brazil:


Also, we share a poem translated from Portuguese to English.


"I'm a hodgepodge of nothing" by Diogo Esteves (Portugal)


I'm a hodgepodge of nothing
You are my root
my very torso
you, my continent
my origin
the birthing land,
that never had two pennies to rub together,
a starting point
of a little evolved evolution
of one life
that enslaves me by a colour,
devours, demonizes
and at the farewell time
of the big road of the existence
only you, my great mother
take me hand in hand out of the garden
where I sinned.
I am black, I'm blue
I am red
I am a mirror of who I am
I am your fruit
that since childhood
wants to return to the womb
made with tribal music
within the bowels
of omnipresent blackness
that dyes my blood.
I am Africa
or I am nothing!


Original in Portuguese:

Sou uma miscelânea de nada
És a minha raiz
o meu tronco
tu, meu continente
minha origem
terra parideira
sem eira nem beira
ponto de partida
de uma evolução pouco evoluída
de uma vida
que pela cor me escraviza
devora, demoniza
e na hora da despedida
da avenida da existência
só tu, grande mãe
me levas pela mão para fora do jardim
onde pequei.
Sou negro, sou azul
sou vermelho
sou um espelho do que sou
sou teu fruto
que desde puto
quer regressar ao útero
de tribal música
nas entranhas
da omnipresente negrura
que me tinge o sangue.
Sou África
ou não sou nada!






In memory of the victims of the Idai siclone


A poem by Stelio F. (Mozambique), second place in the Poetry category of the Nature Literary Contest 2018-2019:


Paint me
Paint with forgetfulness
like the wall of time
with smoke flashing souvenirs
in all private emotions
Paint me with a brush
Paint me
grab me
No brush
With coal
  ripping me off the ground
slowly paint without haste
with dry ink
that prides itself
on this screen that is life
without coming
in the roots of my being
from my intimate pleasure
Rui M.'s translation into Portuguese:
Pinta com esquecimento
tal como a parede do tempo
com lembranças psicadélicas de fumo
com todas as emoções privadas
Pinta-me com uma escova
Sem pincel
Com carvão
   arranca-me do chão
pinta-me lentamente sem pressa
com tinta em pó
que se orgulha
neste ecrã que é a vida
sem vir
nas raízes do meu ser
do meu prazer íntimo



Thank you for your visit.

Nature 2018-2019 - All Results at Once


Dear Authors and Friends,

We decided to publish today all the results of our Contest: Pre-Finalists and Finalists at once.

Congratulations to all the winners!




1 th - The Lady of Coram (Ireland) – by Claire O' Connell

2 nd - Paint Me (Mozambique) – by Stelio Filipe

3 rd - God the Rock (US) – by Janine Canan




1 th – Breathless (US) – by Mona Winston

2 nd - Very Precious! (Brazil) – by Odenir Follador

3 rd - The Warning (Brazil) – by João Araújo



More Selected Poetry


Humanity; Reconciling with Nature (Nigeria) by Chimezie Ihekuna


Totem (Poland) by Eliza Segiet

REDOLENT (South Africa) by Adiela Akoo

noi doi ne ciocnim OR we two collide (Romania) by Ion Calota

RAIN AND SALT (Italy) by Alberto Arecchi

PULSANT LIFE AT SEA (Brazil) by Tauã Rangel

THE NATURE (Brazil) by Luiz Pereira

Our hearts are roses (Brazil) by Lindalva Casteluber


LET THERE BE LIGHT! (Brazil) by Thayanne Silva

 Necessary (Brazil) by Leon Lus

YOUR LIGHT (Brazil) by Edilson Leão

LAW OF RETURN (Brazil) by Ilva da Silva

LOVE (Brazil) by Simone Souza

Song of the nature (Romania) by Savu Elena-Corina

I see one world (Brazil) by Beatrice Medrado

Toxic relationship (Brazil) by Beatriz Gomes

Embracing sky (Brazil) by Jeanete Shimara

Inspiration (Portugal) by Pedro Vale

To the nature (Bangladesh) by Md. Mahbubul Alam (John)

What a beautiful life! (Brazil) by Viviane Parreira




More Selected Short Stories


FOR AN INNOCENT LOOK (Brazil) By Thayanne Silva

It's just appearance (Brazil) by Adriani Alini da Silva



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