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"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou

"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou


Inspirational Poems


Please, send your poem or short story to (Literary Contest)

Today, we would like to share two poems. 

“Bunches of Fruit” by Eliza Segiet (Poland)- translated by Artur
Komoter (Nature 2018)


My dream island
is soaked with the smell of
oleander, jasmine,
and in the gap between the cliffs
illuminated by the extent of azure.
Mine is
shapeless, bordered by sadness
and desire.
The sea gave up everything
it had previously received.
How much of the world is here!
A symphony of elements.
And where are the bunches of fruit?
I know.
They grow on trays
bedewed with memories of the tropics,
they look for shade
and tempt with the effusion of colors.


Joan Beebe (USA) - “A peaceful walk” (Nature 2018)

A renewal of spirit seems to take place
While following a path along a meandering brook.
Walking through a forest of beauty and serenity
One’s mind is filled with the sights and soft sounds
Of nature’s peaceful surroundings.
Time stands still and you are enveloped
Within the outstretched arms of trees as if
Welcoming a friend,
The brook we follow has a sound of its own –
Like a beautiful melody of joy.
For a few moments, one is mesmerized
By the feeling of being one with the
Natural rhythm of a forest so alive.
As the brilliant sun sends its golden rays
Upon the canopy of green above us,
One hears a quiet whisper of this forest –
It is the gentle wind flowing through the trees
And sheltering us as we finish our Peaceful Walk.






International Literary Contest "Nature 2020-2021"


Nature is our mother. It is our baby crib to where we “return” everytime we feel we need comfort and renewed hope. Hope: that feeling made of insights into a peaceful, happy and green future and present.

A tree help us to see the good “flavors” of a garden with her shadow that protects us from our stellar parent: the Sun.

He is also the source of our energy, he is also the source of our poetry; and poetry, maybe just another way of living or another tool to live in community.

Today, Covid-19 make us feel like a prey, thinking in a new condition inside a world built by mother nature. Hope, to face this reality is needed more than ever and we will move forward albeit not ignoring this new “map of life” and new mindset.

Our Contest Nature 2020/2021 is a new opportunity that we, as organizers, create to reach the rest of the world. Every Contest is a challenge for authors participating and to people that make it happen. This year we prepare new relations of Nature and Love; Nature and Ecology; Nature and Energy; Nature and Friendship; Nature and Gardens; Nature and Cinema; Nature and Music and Nature and Family. Family, that fundamental asset during these pandemic times.

This year we would like to share with you some inspirational photos and “horizons” and we kindly invite all authors to visit the following places/websites:ês_National_Park




Additionally, we invite all authors to Honor one cinema director, for example, Hoody Allen, specially considering the eventual relationships of Nature with his work. The work by Hoody Allen is inspirational because he portrays many aspects of Human Nature. Nevertheless, you are free to even criticize his work. Who knows, for example, if there is still a human characteristic, so inspirational, that should take him to give us the pleasure to see a new cinema creation? A new screenplot?



Details of Regulation 2020-2021:

  1. Participation in this contest is free.
    2. Any person from any country can participate as long as they submit work written in English.
    3. Each participant can submit a poem, without limit of words, and a short story, with a maximum of 3000 words. 
    4. The works must be sent by e-mail to along with name, country, electronic contact. The subject of the email should be "International Literary Contest 'Nature - 2020-2021'". Line spacing: single spacing; Letter dimension: 12; Type of letter: Calibri; in the body of the e-mail.
    5. The participating authors agree to receive e-mails in the future that have as their main purpose to advertise future literary initiatives.
    6. Award-winning finalists are entitled to a digital certificate.
    7. All the selected poems will be published in anthology, which will be available in PDF format (possibility to exist in Windows), with a cost of 2.5 € (payment of a donation by PayPal). Award-winning authors are entitled to a free version.
    8. Author rights: authors have their rights over the works published, in order to publish as they want in any other place. The organization of the contest retain total rights over the published works in the context of the Anthology of the Contest or any other Anthology or collection of Short Stories they want to publish in the future or online in the websites of the Organizers.
    9. Contest starting 15 October 2020.
  2. 10.Deadline for participation: 15 April 2021.
    11. Pre-finalists announced on 10 May.
    12. The final results will be announced on June 28 at and, when possible, at
    13. The first one of each category will be entitled to a prize: artwork (an A4 painting) sent by mail and the first three classifieds will receive a digital certificate. Also, there will be a diploma, translation of poetry into Romanian and its publication in the Literary Magazine "The Poetry Monitor" (Romania). 


If you need help with your English or writing skills this year we have special external writing help by Shmavon Azatian.





Green Fox







Synchronized Chaos (California – USA)


Rui M. at Tales for Love (Lisbon – Portugal)



Word Poetry (Canada)


Revista Monitorul de Peozie (Romania)

Revista Monitorul de Poezie | Facebook

We thank you your participation in this Literary Adventure.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any question.

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