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"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou

"Tales for The Ones in Love"

An international blog about literature, nature and hope. Here I include lyrics by Rui M. and the work of others. From 4th to 24th each month, new contributions sent to are evaluated. Periodical Art contests and Critics. Thanks. Arigatou


Poetry and Hope


Es así


Es la luz de tus poemas

Que deslindo mil teoremas

Primero el del amor, después el del dolor

y por fin el de ese sideral calor.


Es por la luz de tu poesía

Que en esa tristeza melancólica

Siento la alegría paradójica

De quien sufre y está contento.


Y es así que desde la hombrera deseo,

Hechas a lápizes de colores, los colores de este mi amor,

Rendido al temblor poético de este ardor.


Soy finalmenete el allende aquende,

Sin nexo, sin nada mas solamente

Sinopsis de frío azul con la luz distante.


And so


It is in the light of your poems

That bypassing a thousand theorems

First of love, then of pain

And finally the heat of that sidereal.


It is by the light of your poetry

What in this sorrowful sorrow

I feel the paradoxical joy

Of those who suffer and are content.


And this is how the desire,

Made in colored pencil, the colors of this my love,

Rendered to the poetic tremor of this ardor.


I am finally beyond short,

Without a link, without anything else

Synopsis of the blue cold with the distant light.


Last Rose of Summer - (cover by Bevani flute)




A Poetry and a Prevention Advice




Alone, we are the deep abyss,

For the roads, pieces of nothing.

The monologue without interlocutor and

The lonely enchanted forest ...


Recently, there has been a lot of information on television regarding the use of alcohol to disinfect surfaces. One of these reports that alcohol must be 70% in order to be truly useful in killing covid-19.

It turns out that many people, including myself, bought 95 or 96% alcohol and therefore less effective. Therefore, the challenge is to transform 96% alcohol into alcohol with a concentration between 61% and about 70%. The fact that we buy a bottle with 96% alcohol means that it has a 4% portion of water and the rest is alcohol. Knowing this is a matter of making a simple account. That said, I suggest mixing, for example, 36 parts of alcohol (95 or 96%) with 14 parts of water or a different number of parts but maintaining the same proportion. The idea is to prevent the alcohol from evaporating too quickly, even before killing the virus. Water slows down the alcohol evaporation process.



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